Radioactive and Chemical
Waste Management
Staffing and Consulting
Firewater provides both onsite technical personnel to work within client project organizations and consultants that support client needs. Firewater personnel have expertise in characterization, storage, treatment, transportation, and disposal of low-level radioactive wastes, mixed low-level radioactive wastes, transuranic wastes, and hazardous wastes. Firewater personnel work within a variety of regulatory frameworks that require them to possess in-depth knowledge of Department of Energy (DOE) orders and policies, Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) regulations as well as State and Local regulations and requirements.

Firewater personnel areas of expertise include:
Experience working with DOE and commercial radioactive disposal facilities to ensure wastes are managed and dispositioned in compliance with Waste Acceptance Criteria, licenses, permits, and all other requirements.
Implementation of analytical tools (e.g., Lean Six Sigma) to conduct radioactive waste assessments focusing on operational processes that generate radioactive wastes. These assessments identify improvement opportunities that increase reliability in client operations as well as define disposition pathways for waste streams.
Applying substantial experience in waste treatment operations for radioactive and hazardous wastes (including organics, metals, polychlorinated bi-phenyls, and mercury) to provide advice and consultation for treatment facility improvements and disposition pathway development for problematic wastes.
Packaging and transportation requirements to ensure that wastes are packaged and transported in accordance with DOT requirements and receiving site criteria.
Applying substantial experience in EPA regulations (i.e., RCRA, TSCA, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, etc.) to perform regulatory assessments of client environmental programs for compliance.
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Nuclear Security
Firewater’s security work includes protecting government facilities from unauthorized access toprotect areas or classified material.
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Specialty Protective Clothing
Firewater partners with UniTech Services Group to provide high quality specialty protective clothing for personel protection from radioactive contamination.
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